助力大数据应用Hybrid Block 智合区块拓创新经济新蓝海
众所在互联网时代“互联互通、共享共赢”的主旋律下,传统的金融行业与新兴科技巨头在发展中融合,在竞争中合作,不断推动区块链技术在贸易金融领域的落地应用,除了产业规模惊人,发展前景诱人,新模式、新业态不断涌现。新生代人工智能+智能区块公司HybridBlock(HB) 今天在香港正式推出的最新整体解决方案,旨在创建一个加密货币购买和交易解决方案的生态系统,为世界各地的加密货币交易者提供支持,已成功获得超过4000万美元的融资。公司运营副总裁Carson Knuth先生和市场营销副总裁Jeff Dubinsky先生在接受采访时表示,HybridBlock 的核心团队是国际上最早一批人机交互领域的创业者,在智能区块软、硬件产品、开放平台打造以及支付场景落地工程化方面具备专业水平,过去多年积累了丰富的方案经验,是国际智能区块产品化经验最丰富的团队之一。
“同一个世界区块链联盟”的创始人Michael Sung博士作为HybridBlock的首席战略顾问,他在演讲中表示,联盟是将全球领先的区块链公司连接到中国的“一带一路”倡议的行业联盟,HybridBlock 将与联盟一道一起致力发展智能区块模式,专注于以核心技术的产品类型落地及应用,努力在当前的市场条件下,提供一个可靠、安全、快速的加密货币专业交易平台。
“同一个世界区块链联盟”的创始人Michael Sung博士作为HybridBlock的首席战略顾问,他在演讲中表示,联盟是将全球领先的区块链公司连接到中国的“一带一路”倡议的行业联盟,HybridBlock 将与联盟一道一起致力发展智能区块模式,专注于以核心技术的产品类型落地及应用,努力在当前的市场条件下,提供一个可靠、安全、快速的加密货币专业交易平台。

April 9 Press Conference Announcement
Hong Kong — March 23, 2018 - HybridBlock, a Singapore based cryptocurrency trading and education platform is officially announcing a press conference and training event limited at the Sheraton Grand Hong Kong on April 9th, 2018. Media and industry relations will be present to view the latest roadmap updates from HybridBlock.
The project has recently began the public release of its project details, and has gained significant interest in international media coverage. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, HybridBlock is creating an ecosystem of cryptocurrency buying and trading solutions to empower cryptocurrency traders around the world with a focus on Asia, both novice and expert level.
A successful pre-sale stage has just concluded for HybridBlock, resulting in over $40,000,000 USD being raised and significantly high ratings from independent third-party ICO review platforms.
Both VP of Operations Mr. Carson Knuth and VP of Marketing Mr. Jeff Dubinsky will be present at the Hong Kong press conference on April 9th. Immediately following the press conference they will conduct a training session, “The State of Crypto Exchanges” .
They will be joined by special guest Dr. Michael Sung. Michael received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and a financial engineering degree from the MIT Sloan School of Business. Dr. Sung serves in various advisory roles for the HK, Taiwan, and China governments on international tech transfer policy and building innovation ecosystems. He is a founder of the One World Blockchain Alliance, an industry consortia connecting the world's leading blockchain companies to China's Belt and Road initiatives. Dr. Sung is the author of over 10 patents & 80 conference/journal papers, and has received various high-profile awards for his leadership in technology innovation. Dr. Michael Sung is currently the Chief Strategy Advisor for HybridBlock, and will be speaking at the press conference and training event.